
Pest Control of all Insects and Rodents
Let Us Take Care Of What’s “Bugging” You!

Tag: winter pests

Preparing Your Trees for Winter

Though it may seem a little early to be prepping your trees for the arrival of Jack Frost, winter tree prep must happen before the snow falls in order to properly protect our leafy friends. To thank them for all

During the cooler fall and winter months, it’s not uncommon for a home or businesses to become a sanctuary where pests can wait out cold weather and diminishing food supplies. In our previous blogs we’ve explained the tenacity of pests

If you’re thinking that Pest Control in Calgary’s winter is a waste of money – think again. Our long, chilly season makes us search for warmer climates, and winter pests are no different, only it’s your home and business they’re

Our past blogs have highlighted some pest control issues that arise during winter months in Calgary – and the presence of mice is a pest control issue that plagues many homes and businesses at this time of year. One Man

It isn’t hard to believe that winter months see an increase of pest control issues inside homes. So far this season Calgary’s winter has proven to be very snowy and cold – to the point where even we don’t want

…but what’s lurking in your stacked firewood? We’ve mentioned in our past blogs that bugs have amazing survival instincts and will do whatever it takes to survive cold winter temperatures – and that includes hiding out in stacks of winter

One Man and a Lady Bug Ltd. is a Calgary Pest Control Company that provides both structural and landscape solutions for pest management issues. Be it summer time activity of Spiders and Ants – or the dreaded winter spotting of

Now that cooler temperatures are upon us, it’s time to give some attention to the potential for pest concerns in Calgary over the winter months. No longer focused on wasp infestations and fruit fly irritation – Calgary Pest Management company

With warm sunny days becoming fewer and fewer many business and home owners are starting to see more bugs seeking warmth by heading indoors. Bugs have strong survival instincts and are able to detect very subtle changes in temperature and

According to a recent story on CBC Calgary: “Alberta Fish and Wildlife has compiled a list, which includes 60 animals from pigeons to bats to sparrows to white-tailed jackrabbits that conservation officers and biologists make the list based on pest
