
Pest Control of all Insects and Rodents
Let Us Take Care Of What’s “Bugging” You!

Category: Article

TThe homeowner wants to get rid of the bee's nest located beneath a metal display in the backyard.

Pollination is fundamental for the survival of the ecosystem. Globally, 75% of food crops depend upon animal pollination, a process accomplished by bats, bees, birds, butterflies, beetles, etc. Most of the vegetables and fruits you consume are made possible by

The homeowner seeks an effective rodent control solution because rodents contaminate food in the pantry or cupboard.

At first glance, rodents (mice, voles, gophers, etc.) seem furry and cute. However, they can cause substantial property damage as they chew on siding, insulation, wires, and wallboard. They may also taint food in your pantry or cupboards and they

A man is cleaning out clogged gutters to get rid of mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes are a nuisance! They’re perhaps the most despised insect of all. Rightfully so as they are not only annoying but can pose a health risk as they sometimes transmit infectious diseases. The following are some expert tips and proven

A brown recluse spider is crawling on the floor, and it's not a dangerous spider to have at home.

There are 628 species of spiders in Alberta. Many types remain exclusively outdoors. Of those that migrate inside, you may wonder, are house spiders dangerous? The answer is no. Most house spiders only bite in self-defense and few cause more

A vole is eating a raspberry.

Have you heard of a rodent capable of doing damage to lawns, trees, and gardens? Do you know about the furry, sneaky, critters that are hard to spot and like to eat your plants? Read on to learn what a

A maple bug on a leaf, finding food to eat.

They are crawly! They are creepy! They are everywhere! Alberta homeowners are facing a pesky pest, the maple bug. Read on to discover what maple bugs eat and learn effective solutions to keep your property and home free of these

pest control takes care of wasps nest on roofline

As the weather warms and spring flowers bloom, bees, hornets, and wasps become more active. These busy little critters are critical to the pollination of crops and prey on pesky bugs. However, they can be edgy and territorial, creating conflict

Eco-Friendly Pest Control Solutions for Earth Day

Earth Day was established on April 22, 1970. Inspired by the environmental activism of the 1960s, Senator Gaylor Nelson and graduate student Denis Hayes organized the first Earth Day celebration. Since then, millions of people from all walks of life

rodents in winter

As temperatures drop, we dig out cozy sweaters, don fuzzy slippers or socks, fire up the tea kettle and hot chocolate pot, and spend time near the fireplace. We get warm and cozy. Like us, rodents love to get warm

Common Valentine's Day Pests

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching. You plan an ideal date. You pick a great outfit, prepare a delicious meal, light candles, and choose mood music. Everything is perfect! But before your sweetheart arrives, other unwanted guests appear. Don’t let your
