
Pest Control of all Insects and Rodents
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Tag: pest control calgary

Ants in the Pantry - One Man and a Lady Bug - Pest Control Calgary

We study them in the classroom as they build intricate tunnel systems and we sing about them marching in straight little lines, but when it comes to actually dealing with ants in our home, we’re perplexed as to what to

Three tips for making your home a No Mouse Zone - One Man and a Lady Bug - Pest Control Experts Calgary

Mickey Mouse might be the nicest guy around, but the mice that sneak into your house and try to throw little mouse parties in the pantry aren’t nearly as charming. Mice have been trying to get into our homes and

Safeguarding your Home Against Pests - One Man and a Lady bug - Pest Control Company Calgary

The trees are shedding their summer colours and have turned gorgeous hues of orange, yellow, and red or lost their foliage all together. Mittens and scarves are starting to become a staple to our wardrobe and boots are replacing sneakers.

Top 5 Pests Found Indoors - One Man and a Lady Bug - Calgary Pest Control Experts

Pests aren’t the end of the world – especially when they stay outside and leave humans and family pets alone. But that isn’t always the case as some pests are attracted to the warmth and shelter a home provides –

Natural Treatments for Elm and Oystershell Scale - One Man and a Lady Bug - Pest Control Solutions Calgary

The mere mention of the word scale conjures up images of layers of crust, disfiguring a tree with a thick blanket of life-sapping insects. Tree scale not only robs a tree of its beauty, it also destroys its health due

Trees – Fertilization and Soil Drenching - One Man and a Lady Bug - Pest Control Solutions Calgary

Not only do trees add beauty to a yard, they also provide shade and protection to grass and other shrubs and promote healthy bug activity, just so long as the tree itself is in good shape. So what does it

Cockroaches – They’re Not Just Found in Dirty Kitchens - One Man and a Lady Bug - Pest Control Experts Calgary

It’s often been thought that Cockroaches are only found in super grungy kitchens that have never seen a sign of soap and water. Portrayed in movies as scavengers that spend their nights wading through grease and fat, eating the remnants

Beetles – Eating Just About Everything - One Man and a Lady Bug - Pest Control Experts Calgary

Beetles really do love to munch on just about everything. Now, not every variety of beetle takes a bite out of the same thing, but when you think about the destruction this common house and garden insect inflicts, it proves

Box Elder Bugs – Why They Appear in the Fall - One Man and a Lady bug - Pest Control Experts in Calgary

Black with distinctive red markings and a flat-winged appearance when its wings are closed, the Box Elder Bug is a common sight around homes and buildings during fall months. Desperate to find warmth and shelter in preparation for approaching cooler

Protecting Your Trees from Common Summer Insects - One Man and a Lady Bug - Calgary Pest Control and Extermination

It’s not just humans and pets that have to deal with an increased presence of bugs and insects during warm summer months; trees and shrubs are also at the mercy of hungry insects that forage on leaves, damaging both the
