Tag: elite pest control calgary

As warm weather approaches it’s not just humans itching to get outside and soak up the first hint of warmer rays. Cluster Flies are a common sight in early spring as they venture from their winter hiding places, attracted to

We’d all love to blame a bug or pest infestation on the little critter. After all, isn’t it their behaviour that caused your home to be overrun with unwelcome house guests? Well the truth is maybe you played a part

The Maple Bug – also referred to as the Box Elder Bug is a common site around homes during the fall months as they search for shelter from the approaching colder months. But where do these harmless insects hide-out during

Who knew that Alberta was home to so many different varieties of Beetles! From Carpet and Grain Beetles to Bark Beetles – spotting these scampering critters can help protect your home and yard from an infestation. Carpet Beetles Think you’re
