Does a Cold Winter Mean Fewer Bugs Next Spring?

Does a Cold Winter Mean Fewer Bugs Next Spring? - One Man and a Lady Bug - Pest Control Calgary

If you’re a lover of long cold winters then this coming season may be right up your alley, at least if weather predictions for Calgary hold true. From local to national forecasts, it seems as though we’re going to be getting winter early, and it’s going to be a long cold one. So what do cold temperatures and heaps of snow mean for our friendly neighbourhood bugs and critters? A fast and extensive reduction in quantity or just a curveball for them to negotiate around?

They Can Survive Harsh Winters

Truth be told, garden pests and furry critters are very adaptable to harsh winter temperatures. In fact, since the bugs evolved right here in North America, they can probably handle winter even better than humans. These pests have evolved to include physical systems that prevent their demise even in the most frigid temperatures. By releasing chemicals in their body as winter approaches, certain bugs and insects are able to withstand temperatures as low as -25°C and can even survive a sustained drop to -35°C in some cases. So if you’re telling yourself that the forecasted long cold winter for Alberta is going to offer a silver lining of killing off bugs, you may be in for surprise as these incredibly small, but amazingly resilient creatures, are definitely going to be around next spring.

Snow Can Be an Insect’s Best Friend

Not a fan of daily flurries and overnight snow storms? Well certain bugs relish a deep layer of snow along with consistent cooler temperatures, as these enable them to adapt to the winter season. They’re happy to settle-in to nature’s cozy insulation supplied by heaps of snow that cover their hide-outs. Disappointing as it may seem that the bugs don’t succumb to winter’s harsh temperatures, the reality is that we will need them next spring when the ground starts to thaw and nature’s cycle begins once again with budding trees and bushes.

Ironically winter can be harder on humans than it is on certain bugs and critters, so if you’re stuck dealing with unwanted creepy crawlies this winter contact a our Calgary Pest Control team for assistance in controlling bug activity.

Worried that old man winter will drive unwanted pests and bugs into your home and business? Talk to the team at One Man and a Ladybug about protecting your premises from uninvited guests and pest infestations at (403) 262-1666.
