Tag: mice control

How to Keep Your Garden Pest Free - One Man and a Lady Bug - Pest Control Company Calgary

Birds, wildlife, and insects are becoming much more active with the longer hours of sunlight. With the sunshine and the heat comes growth and if you’re a gardner, this makes you just as excited as your fellow critters. But before

Protecting Your Trees Against Pests - One Man and a Lady Bug - Pest Control Company Calgary

Just like we protect our beloved pets against pests such as the flea or tick, we should be doing the same for the trees in our yards! It’s no surprise that the rise of pests correlates with the warmer weather,

Safeguarding your Home Against Pests - One Man and a Lady bug - Pest Control Company Calgary

The trees are shedding their summer colours and have turned gorgeous hues of orange, yellow, and red or lost their foliage all together. Mittens and scarves are starting to become a staple to our wardrobe and boots are replacing sneakers.

Spring has officially arrived in Calgary so it’s time to venture outdoors and prepare yards and gardens for the warmer days ahead – and take preliminary steps to keep unwanted bugs and pests away from your home and office building.

Our previous blogs have addressed the annoyances of mice and bed bugs – but right now there’s a new kid in town who’s causing quite a stir – the common Vole. Voles are mouse-like rodents who are also referred to

Though warmer temperatures are upon us – Calgary is still dealing with mice and rodent infestations. Exterminators in Calgary are kept busy through the winter and early spring addressing mice control and the subsequent damage they inflict on home and
