How To Get Rid Of Summer’s Annoying Pest

How To Get Rid Of Summer’s Annoying Pest

There’s lots to celebrate about summer – warm evenings, time outdoors, leisurely weekends and family barbecues – but nothing is ever perfect, especially when you’re dealing with uninvited house guests or summer’s most annoying pest – Ants.

Calgary Pest Control experts – One Man and a Ladybug – know only too well just how frustrating it is to deal with an Ant Infestation – or invasion!  Ants are will-full, persistent, and innovative – all of which spells disaster for your summer time fun and beautifully kept home and yard – as ants can get in to all levels of your home, in to every nook and cranny, and in to every morsel of unhampered food.  Once Ants in Calgary have taken hold of your yard, home, or business it’s time to call in the professionals to deal with these unwanted critters before they ruin your summer and your sanity.

Ants appear in the warm summer months to hunt for food and water and share their find with their colony and Queen Ant.  Though these unwanted pests are small – they’re smart – and leave a pheromone trail, that is undetectable to humans, as a calling card for other ants.  The pheromone trail acts as a GPS system to other worker ants – alerting them to food sources.  With over 100 types of ants in Canada – and reported to be Calgary’s number one pest – turning to qualified Pest Management Company’s in Calgary ensures that your pest is handled swiftly and appropriately.   Most species of ant are a household nuisance – but some can pose a greater threat to the structure of your home.  Once Carpenter Ants have taken up refuge in your business or home, significant damage can occur, resulting in hefty construction repairs and extermination fees.  The sooner any pest invasion is addressed – the sooner tranquility is restored to your life.

One Man and a Ladybug is a Calgary Pest Control Company that specializes in residential, business, and landscape Pest Management and Extermination.  Focusing on providing human and pet-friendly solutions – One Man and a Ladybug is trusted by Calgarians to diagnose, treat, and monitor all manner of pest issues that may present during various seasons.  Don’t let ants ruin your summer – contact this Calgary Pest Management Company today 403.262.1666
