
Pest Control of all Insects and Rodents
Let Us Take Care Of What’s “Bugging” You!

Tag: one man and a ladybug

TThe homeowner wants to get rid of the bee's nest located beneath a metal display in the backyard.

Pollination is fundamental for the survival of the ecosystem. Globally, 75% of food crops depend upon animal pollination, a process accomplished by bats, bees, birds, butterflies, beetles, etc. Most of the vegetables and fruits you consume are made possible by

Keeping your home pest-free is not just about convenience, it’s a matter of health and safety. Pests can pose a range of problems, from spreading diseases to damaging your home and property. So, when do you need pest control? While

Connection Between Fall Weather and Mosquito Activity

As we experience some cooler August mornings, you may notice that mosquito activity begins to accelerate in the nearing fall season. The connection between fall weather and mosquito activity isn’t a new discovery as they can become more of a

There can be a lot of misinformation surrounding pest control, what works or doesn’t work, and a lot of this can come from a bad experience with an inexperienced pest removal company or a friend’s poor experience. Many of the

Do You Need Routine Pest Control?
Pests destroy property, carry diseases, generally just cause a headache and can be difficult to get rid of once they’ve settled. That’s where routine pest control comes in.
Having a pest-free home shouldn’t come at the cost of your health or your family’s health, including that of your pets! Is pest control actually safe for pets?
Protecting Your Home From Flying Pests
To prevent a situation where you’re dealing with flying insect menaces, here’s how you can protect your home against pests with wings!
protecting trees from pests

Though they tower over us and provide the comfort of shade from the hot summer sun, trees are actually just sensitive giants that are susceptible to a number of dangers. From pests to disease, help to defend the trees in

Spiders often get a bad rap.  Used in thrillers to scare movie-goers and always portrayed as the baddy in children’s books – spiders just can’t seem to get any respect – especially when it’s summertime in Calgary.  Calgary Pest Management

There’s lots to celebrate about summer – warm evenings, time outdoors, leisurely weekends and family barbecues – but nothing is ever perfect, especially when you’re dealing with uninvited house guests or summer’s most annoying pest – Ants. Calgary Pest Control
