
Pest Control of all Insects and Rodents
Let Us Take Care Of What’s “Bugging” You!

Get Lost Mosquitoes!

Get Lost Mosquitoes! - One Man and a Lady Bug - Pest Control Calgary

The buzzing excitement of summer time doesn’t just come from us enjoying our summers to the fullest. A certain little insect that can keep you up at night is also buzzing about in the shade on these sunny days. That’s right, mosquitoes are back. But you don’t have to let them ruin your evening patio parties or your nighttime campfires. There are a few quick and easy tricks to help you elude these pesky little bloodsuckers this summer!

One of the first things to come to mind when you think “mosquito spray” is the strong smell of DEET, but if these commercial repellents also repel you, there are some natural options you can use instead. You don’t have to smell terrible all summer when citrusy scents, such as lemon and citronella, are a natural mosquito repellent. Peppermint and tea tree oil also work wonders to deter the little fliers and it’s really easy to make your own DIY repellent. Mixing equal parts water and witch hazel is an excellent base for your DIY bug spray, and you can add your favourite scents either in the form of dry herbs or essential oils. Eucalyptus, clove, peppermint or spearmint, lemon, citronella, or catnip are just a few of the options you can use to spice up your natural repellent. If you don’t have any of these ingredients handy, mix vanilla and water and dose yourself to not only smell good, but vanilla is another natural mosquito repellent!

Planting herbs and flowers is an easy and beautiful way to combat mosquitoes. Lavender is a fragrant flower that deters numerous insects, including the mosquito, and will add a lovely splash of colour to any garden or flower bed. Marigolds, geraniums and any citrus-scented flowers are also excellent repellents. If planted in pots next to doors and windows, they act as beautiful guards for any possible entry zones.

It’s not just flowers that make mosquitoes queasy. Herbs such as peppermint, basil and rosemary are delicious recipe enhancers and also act as a natural deterrent! And since we can all agree that mosquitoes are basically blood sucking vampires, garlic is obviously an extremely efficient method to stink them out of your house. So start making that garlic bread as you fire up your BBQs this summer!

Mosquitoes might be the worst part of summer, but they don’t have to be the reason you don’t enjoy yourself on your hikes, bike rides, camping trips or backyard parties. With these few simple and natural tricks, this summer you can smell your best while still keeping those little suckers at bay! If mosquitoes aren’t the only thing that’s bugging you, give our service team a call at 403-262-1666 and we’ll be happy to help you solve any insect or pest problems you might have.
